I’ll be giving two talks at the upcoming Seattle Code Camp. If you’re in the area, come by and check out the code camp. It’s free and always a lot of fun.
These talks are aimed at developers who’ve never done any game development or maybe tinkered around a bit here and there. The code is all in C# (though you can do it all in JavaScript too), and you’ll be surprised just how simple it is.
Get the info and pre-register here
Intro To Unity I – 2D Games [2:15 PM-3:15 PM]
In this session we’ll build a clone of a popular 2D mobile game in under an hour. You’ll be introduced to the basics of the Unity3D engine and editor. We’ll cover 2d physics & collisions, sprites, input, movement, and more. By the end of the session we’ll build the working game to an android device. After the session you should be able to recreate the basics of a few popular games.
Intro to Unity II – 3D & VR Games [3:30 PM-4:30 PM]
The final session in this series is all about 3D game development and Virtual Reality. Here, we’ll cover the differences between 2D & 3D games. We’ll build a softball batting game then turn it into a VR experience. After the session, you’ll be able to try out the virtual world we’ve built on the GearVR.