Build Stack (the mobile game) with Unity in under 1hour
In this video we’ll go through building the Stack mobile game from start to finish. We’ll cover moving the blocks, chopping them up, and get the game in working order all in under an hour.
In this video we’ll go through building the Stack mobile game from start to finish. We’ll cover moving the blocks, chopping them up, and get the game in working order all in under an hour.
Download the Source Code (code only): HERE
Do you have your Vive? Are you looking at SteamVR?
Are you ready to start building fun games and experiences in Unity?
Read along for some basic setup steps and a couple useful tips!
If you’ve created a new project, the first thing you’ll need is the SteamVR Plugin.
This plugin has everything you need to get up and running, including some sample scenes.
If you’re looking for info on SteamVR with previous version of Unity, it’s been archived here:
The SteamVR team has done a great job at making it easy to start out with the Vive.
Once you’ve imported the SteamVR plugin, you can find the [CameraRig] prefab located in the SteamVR\Prefabs folder.
Create a new Scene
Delete the Default Camera
In a new scene, drag the [CameraRig] prefab into your hierarchy.
Now hit play again and enjoy the boring blue skybox.
If you don’t see anything, check your error log.
You may have a message saying:
VR: OpenVR Error! OpenVR failed initialization with error code VRInitError_IPC_ConnectFailed: "Connect to VR Server Failed (301)"!
If so, you need to launch SteamVR.
To do that, open steam and click the SteamVR icon in the top right corner.
Once it’s started, go back to Unity and click play again.
If it still fails to start, post any error message you see in the console into the comments below so I can address your problem.
If all is working well now, you see the skybox and nothing else, until you turn on your controllers…
Turn them on and you should immediately notice they appear in-game. The triggers should adjust as you press them, and the trackpad should light up as you touch it (just like in the SteamVR Tutorial).
The controllers are available because of the [CameraRig] prefab. If you expand it out in the Hierarchy, you’ll see the “Controller (left)” and “Controller (right)” children.
In the image shown here, I’ve turned on only the right controller, so the left is still deactivated (dark grey).
When you’re in play mode, the “Model” child of the controller creates children for the different components.
Update: this is fixed and not needed as of SteamVR 1.2.2, this fix is no-longer needed. Upgrade to 1.2.2 and skip this section! 🙂
If you’re using unity 5.6 and the current version of the SteamVR plugin, you’ll notice that the controllers don’t actually turn on.
Until the SteamVR plugin is updated, you’ll need to implement this quick fix to get the controllers updating properly.
Select the Camera (eye)
Add the “SteamVR Update Poses” Component to it.
And done.. Now the controllers will track again
One of the questions I get quite often is “how do I replace the controllers with a [sword/gun/hand/random other thing]?”
As you may already expect, you can simply add the thing you’d like to replace the controller with as a child of the “Controller (right)” or “Controller (left)” GameObjects.
For this example, we’ll replace the controller with a shotgun (like I did in the Zombie shooter game)
First, I drag the shotgun model under the “Controller (right)” GameObject
This ‘works’, but there’s a bit of a problem. While the shotgun will move around with the controller, it won’t be aligned correctly.
Now there are a variety of ways you can fix this, but the simplest one and the one I recommend you use is to make a new GameObject for the Shotgun and have the model be a child of it.
With the “Controller (right)” GameObject selected, click GameObject->Create Empty Child
You should see this
Rename the new “GameObject” to “Shotgun”
Move the “Shotgun” model (in my case named DBS) to be a child to the “Shotgun” GameObject
Press play and go to your Scene view.
Because we can’t see the controller without hitting play, these changes must be done in Play mode, follow along to see how to keep those changes once you’ve left play mode.
In the Scene view, adjust your weapon model to be aligned with the controller how you want it to be (some guns for example hold at a different angle than the shotgun pictured below)
While still playing, look to the Inspector to copy the transform values
Stop playing, the gun will reset.
Now go back to the model for the gun (child of “Shotgun” in this example) and use the Paste Component Values menu option.
When you play again, your gun (or other object) should be properly aligned and move with your controller.
Once it looks right, disable the “Model” child of the “Controller (right)” GameObject.
You can delete it, but disabling it gives the same effect and allows you to easily re-enable it if you decide to make adjustments to your handheld items.
That’s all you need to get started! You should be able to look around, place objects where your hands are, and get to building stuff!
I’m teaching an intro to Unity session on 4/5 with the San Diego Unity Usergroup. If you’ve never used unity or maybe opened the editor, got lost, and quit out, this session is for you.
We’ll go over the basics of building a 3D game (no 2D stuff in this session), and build a foundation for something bigger in the future.
Bring a laptop with Unity 5.3x installed and follow along, or pair up with someone else as we go through a variety of subjects including gameplay, physics, collision, and navigation.
When you leave, you should have the base for a game and the understanding to extend it in a variety of ways.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Welcome back! In this section, we’ll add a scoring system.
The plan…
For our scoring system, we’ll use the bubble image we have in the art folder.
We’ll setup our game so that the player needs to pop bubbles for points.
To display the score, you’ll need UI components. We’ll use the Unity3D UI system to accomplish this.
The Unity GUI system will allow us to easily draw text and graphics over our game.
Getting started with the GUI system is pretty simple, we just need to add a GUI game object.
Add a Text object by selecting GameObject->UI->Text
In your Hierarchy, you should see TWO new GameObjects. There’s the Text that you added and a Canvas that is it’s parent.
The Canvas is the root of your UI, and all UI elements must be children of such a Canvas.
Because we didn’t already have a Canvas in our Scene, the editor automatically created one for us and added our new Text GameObject as a child.
In your game view, you should see our new Text object in the bottom left.
Let’s edit our Text object to say something more meaningful than “New Text”
With the Text GameObject selected, look at the Text component in the Inspector and notice the “Text” field.
Change it to say “Score: 0”
Right now, our UI component isn’t positioned correctly. We could drag it around until it looks close, but right now it’s Anchored from the middle, so it would be at different areas depending on the screen size. What we want for this game is to anchor the score text to the top left of the screen. To accomplish this, we’ll use the “Anchor Presets”.
On the transform for the Text, click the Anchor tool (the red cross with a white box in the middle, the mouse is over it in the screenshot)
You’ll be presented with this dialog.
We want to select the top left point, but before you click it, notice the text at the top of the dialog.
For this UI component, we want to set the position along with the anchor, so before you click the pivot, hold the Alt key.
You should now notice your Score Text has moved to the top left corner of the screen.
Before we go too much further, let’s re-name the Text to something useful.
Change the name to “ScoreText”
Try playing with the text component for a few minutes.
Adjust things like the font size, style, and color to get familiar with some of your options.
If you increase the font over 26, you’ll notice that it’s no-longer visible in your game view.
This is because the text is too large to fit into the component. You can fix this by increasing the size of the text component.
It’s time to hookup some code to make our score counter work.
The first thing we want to do is create a script to handle keeping score.
Create a new script named “ScoreKeeper”
Change the ScoreKeeper.cs file to look like this
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; public class ScoreKeeper : MonoBehaviour { private int _currentScore = 0; public void IncrementScore() { _currentScore++; Text scoreText = GetComponent<Text>(); scoreText.text = "Score: " + _currentScore.ToString(); } void Update() { IncrementScore(); } }
Attach the “ScoreKeeper” script to the ScoreText GameObject
Before you hit play, look at the script and see if you can guess what it’s going to do.
Let’s inspect the different parts of this script to see what’s going on.
using UnityEngine.UI;
You’ve seen the “using” statements before. What they do is tell the engine that we want to “use” components from that namespace.
In computing, a namespace is a set of symbols that are used to organize objects of various kinds, so that these objects may be referred to by name.
In this instance, we’re just telling Unity that we’ll be “using” UI components in our script.
private int _currentScore = 0;
Here, we’re defining a variable to hold our current score and setting it’s value to 0.
public void IncrementScore() { _currentScore++; Text scoreText = GetComponent&amp;amp;lt;Text&amp;amp;gt;(); scoreText.text = "Score: " + _currentScore.ToString(); }
The IncrementScore method does 3 things.
_currentScore = _currentScore + 1;
ToString() gives us a text representation of a a non-text object
The last bit of code we have is the Update method. All it’s doing is calling IncrementScore. Because Update is called every frame, our IncrementScore method is called every frame, which in turn makes our score increase. In this instance, the faster our game is running, the faster our score will increase.
void Update() { IncrementScore(); }
The Update method is really just implemented so we can see something working. For our game, we’ll have a more complicated scoring system, so let’s delete the Update method.
Change your ScoreKeeper script to look like this
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; public class ScoreKeeper : MonoBehaviour { private int _currentScore = 0; public void IncrementScore() { _currentScore++; Text scoreText = GetComponent<Text>(); scoreText.text = "Score: " + _currentScore.ToString(); } }
Now that our code has changed, we need another way to call the IncrementScore method….
Look to your art folder in the Project View.
Drag a bubble from the Art folder into your scene.
Now, add a CircleCollider2D component to the newly placed bubble.
Check the IsTrigger box.
We’ve got our bubble placed, but we really need to get some code in to make things work.
using UnityEngine; public class Bubble : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private float _moveSpeed = 1f; // Update is called once per frame void Update() { transform.Translate(Vector3.up * Time.deltaTime * _moveSpeed); if (transform.position.y > 10) { Reset(); } } void Reset() { transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, -10, transform.position.z); } void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { if (OtherIsTheFish(other)) { ScoreKeeper scoreKeeper = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<ScoreKeeper>(); scoreKeeper.IncrementScore(); Reset(); } } bool OtherIsTheFish(Collider2D other) { return (other.GetComponent<Fish>() != null); } }
Attach the bubble script to your bubble in the Hierarchy.
Now try playing and see if you can catch the bubble.
If you placed your bubble like I placed mine, it can’t be caught.
The reason for this is that we only ever change the Y position of the bubble, so it never moves past us.
Instead of adding more code to the bubble, we’ve got another trick we’ll be using.
Set the bubbles position to [2.5, -4, 0]
Now, make the bubble a child of the seaweed parent.
In the Inspector, hit the Apply button so that all our seaweed parents get a bubble.
Now give your game another play and enjoy your great work!
If all went well, it should look a bit like this
In this post, we’ll add some props to make our game feel a little more polished.
Let’s get right to it!
To get started, take the crab from the art folder and drag it to your Hierarchy.
Change the position and scale of the crab to match the image.
Take special note of the Z value “-1”. This is needed to make the crab appear in front of the ground.
Once you have the settings copied, try playing with the Z value and see how it disappears when the Z is not a negative value.
Your crab should look like this. If your crab is above or below the ground, try adjusting the Y position until it looks right.
Hit Play and watch the crab not move.
Easy! We re-use the “MoveLeft” script from before.
Attach the “MoveLeft” script to the crab
Set the speed to 2.5
Click play again and watch the crab disappear off our screen only to reappear later.
Let’s add another prop using the same technique as before.
Grab the starfish and drag it to the Hierarchy.
Set it’s position and scale to match these
Add the “MoveLeft” script to the starfish.
Your starfish should look something like this.
If your starfish is above or below the ground, try adjusting the Y position until it looks right.
If you were looking around in the art folder, you may have guessed, we still need to add the clam.
Drag the clam to your Hierarchy.
Set it’s position and scale to match these
Add the “MoveLeft” script to the CLAM.
Now it’s time to play! Give your game a test run and make sure the Crab, Clam, and Starfish are re-appearing properly.
If you played, you may have noticed a bug in our game.
When the props re-appear on the right side of the screen, they’re going to a random height.
To fix this, we need to add an option to our “MoveLeft” script.
Change your “MoveLeft” script to match this
using UnityEngine; public class MoveLeft : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private float _speed = 5f; [SerializeField] private bool _randomizeHeight = true; // Update is called once per frame void Update() { transform.Translate(Vector3.left * Time.deltaTime * _speed); if (transform.position.x < -15) { if (_randomizeHeight) { float randomYPosition = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-3, 3); transform.position = new Vector3(15, randomYPosition, 0); } else { transform.position = new Vector3(15, transform.position.y, 0); } } } }
Now, on your Clam, Starfish, and Crab, uncheck the Randomize Height option in the Inspector.
Play again and you should see your props preserving their Y position.
It’s time to save our scene. Select File->Save Scene As
Browse to the Scenes folder
Give your scene a unique name, or copy mine.
You can verify that your scene is saved by looking in the Scenes folder.
Now repeat this process to save our experimental scene.
Your scenes folder should now look like this
The top left area of the unity application bar shows the name of the currently loaded scene.
Great work so far, now it’s time to have a little fun and get creative!
ctrl/cmd-s will save the currently opened scene
For this part, I want you to add some more props and place them where ever you like.
Spend 5 minutes trying things out.
Play with their scale, position, and rotation until you get something YOU LIKE.
Come back once you’re happy with your changes.
Now SAVE your scene so you don’t lose that customization.
If you like, you can even find some external art.
One of the easiest places to use is google images.
Just make sure that you select “Transparent” for the “Color” when searching.
If you don’t see Color, click the “Search tools”
To download an image from google images, just click on it to get the full art view, then right click and hit “Save image as…”
In the next post, we’ll add an interesting scoring system.
You’ll get a nice introduction to the Unity3D GUI system and add a goal for your players.
Right now, our game is a bit too easy. It goes on forever, but it’s always exactly the same.
What we want to do next is add some variation to the seaweed. To accomplish this, we’ll have our game pick a randomized Y value for the position.
Since we already move our seaweed when it gets to -15 on the X axis, we can make do the randomization at that time.
To do the randomization, we’ll just call into the Random function Unity provides us.
float randomYPosition = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-3, 3);
UnityEngine.Random.Range will return a value between the first and second numbers passed in. For this example, we’re passing negative 3 and positive 3, so we’ll get a number somewhere between there.
Change your “MoveLeft” script to match this
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class MoveLeft : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private float _speed = 5f; // Update is called once per frame void Update () { transform.Translate(Vector3.left * Time.deltaTime * _speed); if (transform.position.x < -15) { float randomYPosition = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-3, 3); transform.position = new Vector3(15, randomYPosition, 0); } } }
Give the game a play now.
Notice how the seaweed Y position is changing just enough to add some difficulty to our game.
If you’ve been playing all these times I said to Play, you’ve probably noticed a few issues.
For example, if you fall down without hitting a seaweed, you just fall, there’s no ground. The same goes for flying too high, you can go above the seaweed and just hang out there safely.
Open the “Fish” script and modify the Update() method to match this
// Update is called once per frame void Update () { bool pressedFireButton = Input.GetButton("Fire1"); if (pressedFireButton) { Rigidbody2D rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); rigidbody.velocity =; rigidbody.AddForce(Vector3.up * _upwardForceMultiplier); } if (transform.position.y > 6f || transform.position.y < -6f) { Application.LoadLevel(0); } }
If you play again, you’ll see that when the fish drops below -6 on the Y axis, the fish dies and the level re-loads.
The same happens if you click fast enough and bring your above positive 6 on the Y axis.
Let’s add some real ground now. In Flappy Bird, we have a simple striped ground (mario ground). For our game, we have some dirt.
To do this, we’re actually going to add a quad to our scene. The quad is located under 3D assets, but it does exactly what we need for our 2D game.
Remember you can mix and match 2D/3D in your games.
Rename the new quad to “Ground”
Adjust the position to [0, -4.8, 0]. Y is -4.8
Set the X value of Scale to 20.
Your Game View should now look like this
A quad is not a sprite, so we don’t have a Sprite Renderer.
What we have instead is a Mesh Renderer.
What we need to do is change the Material of our renderer. The art package you downloaded in part 1 has a materials folder with a material named “Ground”.
Drag that “Ground” material and drop it onto the “Ground” Game Object in the Hierarchy.
You could also drag the material onto the area that says “Element 0” in the screenshot above.
Since the quad is a 3D object, when we added it, there was a 3D collider attached to it. That collider is a new type that we haven’t used before called a MeshCollider.
We’re building a 2D game though, so we need to remove that 3D collider.
Then add a BoxCollider2D to our “ground”.
Your BoxCollider2D should have a nice rectangular green outline.
When we hit the ground, we want it to do the same thing the seaweed does, so let’s reuse one of our old scripts.
Add the “SeaweedCollisionHandler” script to the “ground”
Now think for a second.
What do you expect to happen?
Go ahead and hit play to see if you were right.
Right now, it probably seems think things have gotten worse.
Your fish is sliding along the ground. The seaweed is sliding along the ground. And your fish isn’t dying until he slides in.
If you remember from part 2, we forgot to check the IsTrigger checkbox.
Go ahead and check it now, then give it another try.
Your fish should now be dying the moment it touches the ground.
The last thing we need to do is get our ground animating. Previously, when we wanted things to move, we applied a Translate on their rigidbody.
For the ground though, we’re doing something different. We created the ground as a Quad for a specific reason. We want to animate the texture on it, without actually moving the transform.
To do that, we’ll need to create a new script. Create one now named “GroundScroller”.
Open the “GroundScroller” script and edit it to match this
using UnityEngine; public class GroundScroller : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private float _scrollSpeed = 5f; // Update is called once per frame void Update() { // Get the current offset Vector2 currentTextureOffset = this.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.GetTextureOffset("_MainTex"); // Determine the amount to scroll this frame float distanceToScrollLeft = Time.deltaTime * _scrollSpeed; // Calculate the new offset (Add current + distance) float newTextureOffset_X = currentTextureOffset.x + distanceToScrollLeft; // Create a new Vector2 with the updated offset currentTextureOffset = new Vector2(newTextureOffset_X, currentTextureOffset.y); // Set the offset to our new value this.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.SetTextureOffset("_MainTex", currentTextureOffset); } }
Attach the “GroundScroller” script to the Ground GameObject
Try playing again and watch the ground scroll along with the seaweed!
Well, maybe it’s not quote scrolling “along” with the seaweed. It’s going a bit too fast and looks pretty strange.
Luckily, if you were paying attention to the code, we’ve added a variable to adjust the scroll speed.
If you try to adjust the speed while playing, it’s going to keep resetting. This is because of how we’re handling death. When we do a LoadLevel to reload the scene, all of those gameobjects are being re-loaded and re-created.
We have a couple of options for finding the correct speed.
Personally, I prefer the easy way, so let’s go with option c.
Now play one more time and enjoy what you’ve made. See how far you can get.
Great work so far. Our game has come together and is functional and fun.
In the next part, we’ll make our game a little fancier with some props and add a unique scoring system.
So now that we have all of our seaweed, it’s time to start moving through them.
If you remember from before, we’re not actually going to move our fish.
Instead, we’ll move the seaweed past our fish.
Let’s create a new script named “MoveLeft”
Here’s our starting MoveLeft file.
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class MoveLeft : MonoBehaviour { // Use this for initialization void Start () { } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { } }
For our “MoveLeft” script, we don’t need anything in the Start method, so delete that now.
In our Update method, we want the object the script is on to move to the left, so add the following line of code.
transform.Translate(Vector3.left * Time.deltaTime);
The transform here is the transform you see in the inspector with the position, rotation, and scale.
Translate just moves the transform’s position in the direction and magnitude of the Vector3 we pass in.
What we’re passing in is Vector3.left multiplied by the amount of time that has passed since the last frame.
If you remember, our game will run somewhere between 30 and 90 frames per second. Because the frame rate is variable, we want to use the amount of time passed since the last update. This makes it so our seaweed move the same speed regardless how fast our device can run the game.
The final script should look like this
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class MoveLeft : MonoBehaviour { // Update is called once per frame void Update () { transform.Translate(Vector3.left * Time.deltaTime); } }
Time.deltaTime is the amount of time passed since the call to Update(). This number is generally really small around 0.0166. It’s calculated in Unity3D by dividing 1 by your framerate. (1/60 = 0.0166)
Now go back to the Editor and select the “seaweed parent” in our Project View.
With the “seaweed parent” Prefab selected, look to the Inspector. (the one in the Project view is the Prefab)
Add the “MoveLeft” script to our “seaweed parent”.
Now try playing again.
If your seaweed isn’t moving, go to your code editor and make sure you saved your changes to the “MoveLeft” script.
If all went well, you should see your seaweed all moving to the left and your fish appears to be swimming forward.
Once you’re done playing, I want you to select one of the seaweed’s in your Hierarchy (it doesn’t matter which one)
Notice that the “MoveLeft” script was added to it.
This is where the power of Prefabs comes into play.
Any change you make to the Prefab will be automatically applied to placed instances of that Prefab. (this applies in all of your scenes when you have multiple)
If you take a closer look at the Transform, you’ll notice the Position & Rotation are bold.
Properties that are bold are not using the values from the Prefab. If you modify a property of a GameObject in the Hierarcy View, it will become bold and no-longer take changes from it’s Prefab.
Right now, our seaweed is moving pretty slow. Let’s modify the “MoveLeft” script to make the seaweed speed adjustable.
Edit your “MoveLeft” script to match this
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class MoveLeft : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private float _speed = 5f; // Update is called once per frame void Update () { transform.Translate(Vector3.left * Time.deltaTime * _speed); } }
Here you can see we’ve introduced a variable with the [SerializeField] attribute on it just like we did previously with the fish.
We then multiply our translation by that new “_speed” variable.
We set the default for _speed to 5f, so it should move 5 times faster than before.
Try playing again.
For me, 5 seems a bit too fast. Because we used [SerlaizeField], we can adjust this speed directly in the editor.
Select the Prefab for our seaweed and adjust the speed until you find a # that feels right.
The final speed I used is 2.5
If you accidentally did your editing on an instance of the seaweed from the Hierarchy instead of the Prefab in the Project view, no problem!
You can actually apply your changes from a placed instance to it’s Prefab (and all other instances) by simply clicking the “Apply” button at the top of the inspector.
Give the game another try and see if you can get through all the seaweed.
If you’re any good at this game, you noticed all the seaweed disappeared to the left.
You may be wondering if you should add more seaweed to make the level bigger, or if you should move the fish, or maybe the seaweed?
If you weren’t, start wondering now and see what ideas you come up with.
While there are many different ways you could accomplish making this game go on longer, the easiest and best is to just move the seaweed once it goes out of view.
To do this, we need to go back to our “MoveLeft” script.
Change your script to match this
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class MoveLeft : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private float _speed = 5f; // Update is called once per frame void Update () { transform.Translate(Vector3.left * Time.deltaTime * _speed); if (transform.position.x < -15) { transform.position = new Vector3(15, 0, 0); } } }
Let’s focus on the new lines of code. Lines 13-16
First, we look at the X value of the transforms position.
If that X value is less than -15, we execute the code inside the brackets { }
The code in the brackets is setting the position of the seaweeds transform.
The value we’re setting it to is 15 for the X and 0 for Y & Z. [15, 0, 0]
So all we’re really doing here is checking if a seaweed moved far enough to the left. (negative X values are left of our fish who’s at 0)
If the seaweed is far enough over at -15 or further, we move it back to the right, but far enough off the right side that our players won’t see it on their screen.
Save the script and play again.
I’ve split my Scene & Game views again here. I recommend you do the same to get a good idea of what’s going on.
Next – Randomization & Ground – We’ll add some randomization, some ground, and a couple props.
If you’ve followed along so far, you have a pretty fun game. You can fall down and die, or keep hitting space to stay alive.
While I’m sure that will lead to hours of fun, let’s try making it a bit more difficult.
The first thing we need to do is add a top seaweed.
To do this, we’ll duplicate the bottom one, then move it, and flip it over.
Select the seaweed in the Hierarchy
Right Click and select Duplicate (the hotkey for this is ctrl-d or cmd-d)
The duplicate should be selected automatically and be named seaweed (1) since it’s the first duplicate.
Set the rotation Z axis of the new seaweed to 180.
Set the position Y value to positive 6.
Your Game View should look like this
Go ahead and hit play. Try to balance between the 2 seaweeds without dying.
Let’s do a little cleaning of our game object names.
Rename the bottom seaweed from “seaweed” to “seaweed bottom”
If you don’t remember how to rename, select the seaweed in the Hierarchy and hit F2. Alternatively you can rename it in the Inspector by typing where the name is.
Next, rename the top seaweed from “seaweed (1)” to “seaweed top”.
While the names of these game objects doesn’t technically matter, it’s useful for us to have good names for our objects. It makes them easier for us to find and differentiate later in our development.
Now, we’re going to create a Game Object that has nothing other than a transform.
To do this, select GameObject->Create Empty from the menu.
You should see a newly created Game Object in your Hierarchy with the name “GameObject”
Let’s rename this right away to “seaweed parent”
Now set the X, Y, & Z values of the position to 0. If the were already 0 for you don’t worry about it
Next, we’re going to make our seaweed bottom & seaweed top into children of seaweed parent.
To do this, just drag them one at a time in the Hierarchy view onto the seaweed parent.
Now that the top and bottom are children of the parent, changes to the parent will affect them.
If you move the seaweed parent around, you’ll see the children move along with it, but always stay the same relative to each other.
If you haven’t done it already, go over to the Scene View now and try moving around the seaweed parent.
Select the move tool
Move it around
Now let’s reset the position to 0, 0, 0
A Prefab is a GameObject that exists in your Project, not only in a Scene.
Think of them like a blueprint or design of a GameObject that you want to re-use multiple times.
Since we want to create a Prefab now, let’s first make a folder to hold our Prefabs.
Right click and Hit Create->Folder
To create a prefab, you can drag a GameObject from the Hierarchy to a folder in the Project View.
You’ll notice the “seaweed parent” turned blue.
A blue GameObject is using a Prefab. (if you see a red GameObject, that means it’s using a Prefab but the Prefab is broken or missing)
Now we need to add a few more seaweeds to our scene.
To do this, select the “seaweed parent”, right-click, and select Duplicate.
You should see a GameObject named “seaweed parent (1)”
Look to the Inspector and set the X value of position for “seaweed parent (1)” to 5.
You should now be able to see your second seaweed, it’s just moved a little to the right. (5 units to be exact)
Now, let’s recombine our Scene and Game views back into tabs so we can get a bigger view of the Scene.
If you’ve dragged your Scene or Game view to a second monitor, you don’t need to do this.
Select the Scene view tab and zoom out using your mouse wheel or touch pad.
Duplicate your seaweed parent again. (or the copy of your seaweed parent, they’re both the same thing)
Set the X position of the new one to 10. (in the inspector)
Repeat this process 4 more times. Each time, add 5 to the X position.
The end result should look like this
In this part, we’ll add some seaweed and learn about the Unity3D physics system. We’ll learn how to handle collisions in Unity3D and kill some fish.
Now that we have a fish that jumps in place, let’s add something for him to jump over. You may have noticed in the Art folder we have a sprite named “seaweed”. Let’s place a seaweed in our scene by dragging it from the Art folder (in the Project View) over to the Scene View.
Once it’s placed, let’s adjust the position in the inspector. We’ll set the X to 0 and the Y to -6.
Before you hit play, think for a second about what you expect to happen.
If you guessed that the fish would fall through, great job. If not, let me explain why it happened. For our fish to collide with the seaweed, we need to tell the Unity3D physics engine that these GameObjects should collide. Luckily, that’s a very simple task for us to accomplish. What we need to do first is add a collider to our fish. A collider is just another component and we add it just like any other component.
Once you add the Collider, your fish should get a green outline.
Let’s think again. If we hit play now, what will happen? If you’re not sure, give it a try.
The fish is still falling through. You probably already guessed, but what’s missing is a collider on the seaweed.
Let’s add one now.
Select the seaweed, then add a Polygon Collider2D, just like we did with the fish earlier.
You should notice the collider on the seaweed.
Now hit play one more time. I promise something will happen now.
If you want to see why the fish is rolling off the side, separate out your scene and game view.
To separate the views, just left click and hold the mouse button. While you’re holding the button, drag the mouse and the panel will detach. If you move to the right a bit, you should be able to dock them side by side.
Now hit play again and watch the fish falling along the collider of the seaweed.
What we need to do now is handle the collision. The physics engine in Unity3D can detect collisions or make things roll and bounce on it’s own, but what we want to do is make the player lose the game. In Flappy Bird, if your bird touches a tube, you lose the game. We want to do the same thing here. To do that, we need to create a new script and attach it to our seaweed.
Create a new C# script in the Code folder.
Name it “SeaweedCollisionHandler”
Double click the “SeaweedCollisionHandler” file to open it in our editor (MonoDevelop or Visual Studio).
The file should look like this.
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class SeaweedCollisionHandler : MonoBehaviour { // Use this for initialization void Start() { } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { } }
Since we won’t be using Start & Update on the SeaweedCollisionHandler, let’s delete them and add in some collision handling code instead.
Change your file to match this.
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class SeaweedCollisionHandler : MonoBehaviour { void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { Debug.Log("Entered"); } }
Save the file then go back to the Unity3D Editor.
Select the “seaweed” GameObject in the Heirarchy then add the “SeaweedCollisionHandler” script to it in the inspector.
Next, on the PolygonCollider2D component, check the IsTrigger checkbox.
Seaweed with SeaweedCollisionHandler Script
Now hit Play and watch what happens.
Because we checked IsTrigger, the fish no-longer rolls off the seaweed.
Instead, it calls into our OnTriggerEnter code that we added to the SeaweedCollisionHandler.
And in our OnTriggerEnter code, we write a line of text to our debug console.
To view the debug console, just click the Console tab next to the Project tab.
You should see a single line of text in there that says “Entered”.
If you didn’t get that, double check that IsTrigger is checked and that the SeaweedCollisionHandler is attached to the correct GameObject (“seaweed”).
Before we save, let’s create a folder for Scenes
To create the folder, just right click and select Create->Folder
Now go to the File menu and select Save Scene As
Browse to the Scenes folder and Name our Scene “Fish“, then hit Save.
We really want our fish to die when he hits the seaweed (at least we do if we want our game to be like flappy bird).
Let’s go into the SeaweedCollisionHandler script and make it happen!
Edit the script to look like this:
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; public class SeaweedCollisionHandler : MonoBehaviour { void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { SceneManager.LoadScene(0); } }
That’s it. Now play the game and watch what happens.
When you hit the seaweed, your fish appears in the starting location again.
This happens because we’re reloading our level. (level & scene are interchangable terms for the Unity engine)
The LoadLevel command will load a Scene by Name or Index.
In this instance, we’re using the Index 0. (that just means it’s the first in the list of our scenes. 1 would be the second scene, 2 would be the third)
Because we don’t have our project setup with a list of scenes, it’s just using our current scene.
Under the File Menu, select Build Settings…
Click the Add Current button.
You should see your scene added to the list.
Up to this point, we haven’t really done anything that required us to save our project. We’ve saved our scene and scripts, but the project itself hasn’t been saved since we created it.
Because we changed some project settings, we need to save the project to make sure those settings aren’t lost.
When you were setting up your build options, you may have already seen the Save Project button.
Go ahead and hit that now to save our new settings.
Click File, then Save Project.
A saving dialog will pop up and disappear shortly after. If your computer is fast, you may not even notice it, but your project should be saved now.
Great work so far. In the next part, we’ll turn this into an actual game. We’ll add more seaweed, and start making the fish swim through them.