All posts in "Unity3D"

Why you should do code reviews – And how to do them right

Have you heard about code reviews but never done one?  Or are you struggling to do code reviews right?  Maybe you dread the words ‘code review’ from terrible past experiences…  Here, I’ll go over why you need code reviews in your project, and how to get the most value out of them with the least pain.  Code reviews can be a great, positive, and fun experience, while making your project code quality dramatically better, and improving your developer skillset.

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Unity Q&A #1

By Jason Weimann / May 18, 2018

I’ve started answering questions via video.  In this first installment, I’m answering questions about jobs, some of the best asset packs, how to learn new things, VR, and a whole lot more.  So if you have a Unity or general game development question you want to ask, now is the time!


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Unity Code Reviews

For the last few months, I’ve been reviewing different Unity projects publicly.  Going through the code, looking for areas where the project can be improved, and providing recommendations and advice.  Here, I’ve gathered a few of those reviews for you to take a look at.  You’ll be able to see some real peoples actual projects, and go through the code with me as we explore how they’re put it together.


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Beginners Guide to Getting Started with Unity

By Jason Weimann / May 9, 2018

New to Unity? Considering game development? Learn how to build your first game in just a few minutes. I’ll go over all the basic features of the editor, show you what the scene view, hierarchy, inspector, and game view are… then we’ll dive into some basic c# and monobehaviour coding. In 30 minutes, you’ll have your first working game!

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