VR Teleportation is one of many great locomotion systems. While it’s not ideal for every game, there are plenty where it’s the perfect movement method. With SteamVR Teleportation is also it is the easiest to get started with. This article shows the basics to get you moving around with the VR Teleport method in just a couple minutes.
To use this locomotion method, you’ll need SteamVR and a compatible headset like the or .
You can download the SteamVR plugin from the asset store.
VR Teleportation Setup
For this teleportation example, we’ll be using the SteamVR Player prefab.
Find the player prefab in the SteamVR->InteractionSystem->Core->Prefabs folder.
Drag it to your scene.
Reset the transform to 0, 0, 0.
The Ground
Create a Plane (GameObject->3D Object->Plane)
Duplicate your plane and rename it “Teleport Area”
In the Inspector tab, add the “Teleport Area” component to the Teleport Area plane.
Set the Y position of the “Teleport Area” gameobject to 0.01. We want it just above the ground collider.
The Teleporting Prefab
We’re almost done.. the final step is to add the Teleporting prefab to the scene.
Find the “Teleporting” prefab in SteamVR->InteractionSystem->Teleport->Prefabs.
Drag it into your scene.
Time to Teleport
That’s everything you need to get started. Press play and start teleporting around.
Teleport Options
The Teleporting prefab provides a large selection of customization. You can change colors, arc, materials, sfx, and more.
I’d recommend experimenting with the different settings to get more familiar with the SteamVR Teleportation system.
Teleport Point
Before we end, I want to mention the TeleportPoint prefab. It’s in the same folder as the “Teleporting” prefab.
The teleportpoint prefab is setup to create a “point” as the name implies. Instead of being able to freely choose any area on a mesh, this can be used to teleport the player to very specific locations.
If your game or application has specific points you want the player at, take a look at this prefab. (it also supports loading a new level / scene when they teleport to it)
Conclusions & Extension
The SteamVR Teleportation is one of the easiest to get started with. If you want quick locomotion, definitely try it out.
VR Course
Teleportation is just one of the locomotion systems covered in the Professional VR Developer course. If you’re ready to start building a VR game of your own the Professional VR Developer course is my recommended way to get moving fast.
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