John Doe UI/UX Designer

“Virtual reality was once the dream of science fiction. But the internet was also once a dream, and so were computers and smartphones. The future is coming.”

Virtual Reality is the Future 

And it's here NOW

Get started today (no VR experience needed)

Stop just watching VR Grow...
Create your Dream VR Game today!

Let me tell you a quick story about how I got started in Virtual Reality development.  Like many people (perhaps like you), I was ecstatic when I first learned about the Oculus Rift Dev Kit.  I missed the Kickstarter, but the second I could order one, I entered my credit card number... then sat waiting impatiently for the UPS driver to deliver the future to my front door.

When my Rift finally arrived, I ran through the setup and launched a demo.  You may have seen the Tuscany demo... by today's standards it's pretty bland, but when I first saw it I couldn't hold back the glee.  Within 15 minutes, I was loading up Unity and trying to see what I could do.  

But I quickly FAILED!  Going into VR development with no plan led me to create a couple bad experiments I could show friends, but there wasn't anything that stuck or grabbed anybody's attention.  Instead of people being impressed by what I'd built, they mostly talked about pixelation and other stuff far out of my control.  Because of this, I almost gave up VR development permanently.

Over the next year and a half, I ordered the DK2, played around a bit more, and really accomplished nothing...

Then Valve & the HTC Vive changed my life!

In January of 2016 I was deathly sick... but... I had a ticket to the Vision Summit.  I'd considered staying home, but I really wanted to try out the HoloLens.  I arrived, sneezing, coughing, bright red and half dead..  When I got there though, I was greeted by some friends who told me that Gabe Newell had just given out a free HTC Vive to every attendee.  I'd never tried the Vive, but assumed it was just like the Rift DK2 I already had...

A few weeks later the Vive arrived in a HUGE box...  I set it up and was completely blown away.  I couldn't believe what I was experiencing!

I started out by trying every demo that came with it, then quickly jumped over to Unity to experiment and see what I could do.  That same day, I started building my first Vive tutorial..   I'd built a Baseball tutorial for the GearVR and it seemed like a natural way to go.  This would be similar, but the players could actually swing the bat!  I spent the weekend coding, writing, testing, and coding, writing and testing some more...

I asked my wife to test it for me.. 

She couldn't put it down!

My wife, who never plays video games couldn't get enough of this simple tutorial game I was building.  Normally, I can't convince her to play anything newer than Super Mario Brothers...  but now she couldn't stop hitting Virtual Baseballs...  This is when I realized I didn't just have a demo, I had the start of an actual game.

It was Simple and the market was Hungry!

This 'game' had only been developed for about 10 hours and was already fun..  I knew then that I needed to turn this tutorial into something real, get it done, and publish it before the Vive launched to the public.  I spent another 10 hours fine tuning the physics, adding fireworks, implementing leader-boards,  shooting trailers, and building an actual game.. 

While I was building this, I really had no idea what to expect.  I didn't know if this game was going to be fun enough to everyone else... maybe my wife was just pretending to enjoy herself?  Maybe I'd put it up and be laughed out of the store?  To say the least, I was nervous as hell, but I was having fun and I was going to FINISH!

​I spent my nights for the next couple weeks digging in, integrating Steam SDKs, leaderboards, achievements, and tuning things for performance. - After I got it to a point where it worked, was playable, and kinda fun, I submitted it!

After a little back and forth with Steam, learning how to setup the store page, my game was approved!

Then the sales started coming in...

I really wasn't sure if anyone was going to buy my little VR game...  but on release day I saw the sales start pouring in.  A couple days later, I saw clips of my game being covered on news shows...  And sales kept coming in...

Even after working in games for almost 20 years, these sales really shocked me.  Sure, I've been part of giant AAA launches before, with 100+ man teams... but I'd never seen a small personal project take off like this.

Game #2 was even better!

  • Then I built game #2...
    For game #2, I went with the classic shooter style.  I prototyped it out, and ran it through dozens of different VR enthusiasts.  Their feedback helped make the game a great hit, bringing in over $3,000/day during the launch.
  • Game 3 went great too
    By this point, I'd gotten really comfortable with the process...  I could build my games even faster, implement more, and learned how to share them.
  • Now I've shipped 6
    I've been able to release half a dozen VR games in the last year alone.  That's allowed me to home my VR skills, figure out the best practices for VR, and discover all kinds of optimizations.

Success is easy, you just have to get started..

We're still early in VR, and there's not a lot of competition.  Just like in the early days of mobile, it's a goldmine ready for you to jump in.  Figuring out how to get started was definitely the hardest part...  and I wish I'd had some guidance from the beginning.

Because of that, I've decided to help new developers get started and get their first game shipped.  I've written a bunch of blog posts covering some of the parts, but now I'm making it easy!

Don't waste time... Get started fast and get your first sale!

Over the last year, I've had dozens of people ask me how I got started, what worked, what they should do...

I've given lots of advice, helped a few people start up and release their own games.  But the number of request is so large that I can't keep up.  So to make sure everyone has the same opportunity for success that I've had I decided to put what I've learned down on paper and share it with others who love VR and want to make it big in this new market.

Today it's FINALLY AVAILABLE to insiders like you!

Professional VR Game Development

I'll run you through all the basics, teach you how to build your first VR game and do it right!  You'll get the tools to start going and do it FAST!  By next week, you'll be showing off you're inner superstar and on your way to being a successful game developer!

  1. Build a VR Shooting Range: We'll cover everything you need to get guns working right.  Shooters are the biggest thing in VR right now, so it's our first priority.
  2.  Discover tricks to make extending your game easy: Everything in this course is built with re-usability and extensibility in mind.  The components you'll use can be dropped right into a variety of game genres.
  3. Show off your work: You'll have something to put on your portfolio, show at interviews, and brag about to your friends.

Get started TODAY with the 24 hour VR Guide

You can wait until the VR goldmine ends...  or Grab it today and get started right away and avoid missing out!


100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


What's Included

  • Full Working Project
    After completing this course, you have a full working project you can use as a starting point for new games
  • 11 Chapters & 164 pages
    Step by step instructions on how to build your game.  Everything from model importing and setup and animations, to SteamVR input handling, and even Virtual Reality UI setup.
  • High quality art assets
    Normally, you'd pay $20 or more for a single high quality weapon model.  This guide includes a bunch of assets that you can use however you want totally FREE!
  • Yours to keep!
    Even if you return the guide, the art, interfaces, code, and project are yours to keep and include in your games completely free of charge!
  • Performance & Architecture Guidance
    This course is full of great tips to keep your framerate up and your project clean and extensible.


Can I really complete a game in a week?

Normally... if someone asked me this, I'd say 'probably not'.  But there's nothing normal about VR right now.  The scope of the games being built isn't enormous, you're not competing with Halo 5 or Call of Duty Ultra Super Mega 17.  You can definitely build something fun on a very short timeline, and with the guidance provided here, you'll have a great jump start.

What if I don't know how to use Unity?

If you're brand new to Unity, or only played around a little, building something fun is the best way to get going.  Nobody learns from reading documentation!  Watching a bunch of videos could work, but turning that into something you can play, share, and grow from isn't easy, and getting started should be easy!

At the end of the week, you'll have your first project done.  If you get lost or have problems, the entire project is always available for you to reference and learn from.  And don't forget, you'll be starting with a solid foundation of a well architected solution you can base all future learning on.

I've built mobile games, is this really that different?

In some ways, your experience translates over great and will give you a big advantage.  But there are some big differences.  Just to start, the types of things a mobile game needs optimized are drastically different.  You're not running on a little ARM cpu, this is all high end desktop stuff.  Your target video cards are also powerful, but you need to know where the bottlenecks are.

On top of all that you've got Input, Audio, Particles, and a 90FPS target to stay above at all times.  So having some mobile experience is great, and this course will help you translate that into high quality VR gaming.

Is anyone really gonna buy my game?

This was a big question I had when I first started.  Much to my surprise though, the answer was a big fat YES!  Once you know how to get started, building a full game and selling it is the next natural step.  And if you know anything about VR, you probably know that there's demand for all kinda of things that don't exist yet.  The opportunities are huge, but they wont last forever.  If you want to make a game and sell it, now is the time to get started!

24 Hour Course



There are of course other ways to learn VR development.  Another option is personal one on one or group training, but that typically runs around $250/hour.  You can dig through video tutorial sites and maybe find something that's not terrible.  Or you can just go it your own and try to figure it all out alone..  If money isn't a factor and you have unlimited time, the alternatives may seem appealing, but if you're like me, a quick guide you can knock out in a weekend is the best option.

Running Start Guide

  • Build an entire game in a week!
  • Equivilent to over $2,000 worth of personal training that you can access any time
  • Step by step instructions with nothing missing
  • Learn from my mistakes not your own
  • 100% money back guarentee


  • Confusing videos that leave you searching for the one thing they skipped over
  • $250 an hour consultant training
  • Documentation that's confusing and incomplete
  • Not building your game and giving up on your dreams

What will I have after this weekend?

  • You'll complete playable VR game that you can show off
  • The starting point for your own Hit VR game on Steam or Oculus
  • A strong foundation in VR development
  • You'll have a clear path to a successful VR game studio of your own
  • Understanding of what's involved in shipping a game on SteamVR & the Oculus Store
  • Clout in the VR community

Offer ends soon - Don't miss out!


100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You are fully protected by a 12 month 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don't get it, decide VR is not for you, or just change your mind, just let me know and I'll personally send you a prompt no questions refund.

P.S.:: I'm a developer just like you, building VR games for fun and profit.  If you go through the course and still have questions, remember you can always send me an email (contact below) and I'll be happy to guide you along the right path.